Establishment of local joint committee
On Tuesday, November 12, 2024, a coordination meeting was held at the National Enterpreurship Support and Development Agency (NESDA)- Blida province- , chaired by the director of the Agency Mr. “Mouloud BEN AZZOUZ” and,
attended by :
– The tow Rectors of Blida 1 and 2 Universities “Prof. Dr. BAZINA Mohamed” and “Prof. Dr. MEWOUGH Adel”
– The chair of the National Higher School of Hydraulics “Prof. Dr. HABBOUCHE Abdelhamid” as well as officers of the Agency.
The three heads of the Centre for the Development of Entrepreneurship (CDE) attended the meeting, including the head of the CDE of Blida 2 University, Dr. « ISTANBOULI Asma ».
The aim of this coordination meeting is to activate the agreements concluded between the Agency and the three higher education institutions, as well as to establish a local joint committee to ensure that the agreements are respected.