Global Entrepreneurship Week in Blida 2 University

On Wednesday, November 20, 2024, the chief operating officer of Blida province on behalf of the Wali of Blida province, “Mr OUUCHAN Ibrahim », participated in the activities of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, organised by the University of Blida 2-Lounici Ali-, as part of the awareness and information caravan, in the presence of :

– The chair of the National Agency for Micro Credit Management;

– The chair of the National Enterpreurship Support and Development Agency (NESDA);
– Vice-Rectors of the University;
– Deans of faculties;
– The chair of business incubator of Blida 2 University;
– The chair of Center for the Development of Entrepreneurship of Blida 2 University.

In his opening speech, the chief operating officer confirmed that the celebration of World Entrepreneurship Day was a fulfilment of the commitments made by the President of the Republic through the creation of 20,000 start-ups and the creation of more than 450,000 jobs.
On the other hand, the Rector of the University « Prof. Adel MEZOUGH » confirmed that the path of  entrepreneurship and start-ups is a strategy for development and stimulation of the entrepreneurial spirit of students. He also hopes that the current generation will keep up with the digital revolution and realise the idea of the student entrepreneur.

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