National Forum on the World Day of the Arabic Language
As part of the celebration of the World Arabic Language Day, on 18 December, 2024, A national forum held at “Said Ayadi” Auditorium entitled: « The status of the Arabic Language among international languages and its future in the age of globalisation » organized by the Faculty of Arts and Languages in collaboration with:
– The Laboratory of Literary and Critical Studies and coordination with the Algerian Poetry House (Blida and Chlef)
– The National Institute for Training National Education Sector Staff In the presence of guests of honor:
– The President of the Algerian Arabic Language Academy « Dr. Cherif MEREBAI »
– Chairmen of People’s Provincial Assembly
The Rector of Blida 2 University” Prof. MEZOUGH Adel” stressed that the Arabic language has occupied a significant place in human civilisations and underlined that the Arabic language has contributed to preserving the identity of the Algerian people, as the Zawiyas and Katibs (Koranic schools) were the strengh against the French colonisation project in Algeria. He also stressed the need to preserve and promote the Arabic language in the context of globalisation and technological change.