Coordinating meeting with Vice-Rectors of the University

On Monday 20th, 2025, the Rector of Blida 2 University; “Prof. KOUREL Farid”; presided a Coordinating meeting at the Rector’s office, in the presence of:

  • Vice-rector in charge of scientific research “prof.Dr BOUHACEIN Nasr-eddine”,
  • Vice-rector in charge of pedagogy “Prof.Dr. BOUKHAOUCHE Said”
  • Vice-rector in charge for Planning, Development and Foresight “Prof. Dr. BLIDIA Wahid”
  • Head of service of Scientific Events on behalf of the Vice-Rector in charge of External Relations “Dr. OULED HADDAR Safa”

The rector, for his part, listened to the presentation given by the Vice-Rectors regarding the first semester result of 2024-2025, whereas he gave his instructions to respect and execute the results of the meeting for the promotion of the University.

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