Visit to the Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Marketing Sciences

On Sunday 19th, 2025, the Rector of Blida 2 University, “Prof. KOURTEL Farid”, paid a visit to the Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Marketing Sciences, where he was received by the Dean of the Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Marketing Sciences, “Prof. GHARDI Mohamed”, and the Secretary General of the Faculty.

The purpose of this visit is to verify the progress of the First Semester Examinations 2024-2025, in which he instructed the team to respect the organisation of the exam and to provide all the necessary logistical means, so that students can pass the exam in the best possible conditions.

In the same context, the Rector and his accompanying delegation visited the administrative structures of the Faculty of Economics, Commercial and Marketing Sciences, including:

  • Budget Accounting service
  • Staff service
  • Sports and Cultural activities service
  • Pedagogical structures
  • Office of Vice- Dean in charge of pedagogy
  • Office of Vice-Dean in charge of scientific research
  • Heads of departments offices

The Rector was welcomed by the staff and, he listened to their concerns.

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