Internal Regulations

Internal Regulations:

The internal regulations are a tool for managing organizations in general and university institutions in particular. The internal regulations form, according to global standards and experience, the reference framework for officials (elected or appointed), staff, collaborators, and users, and generally for anyone present physically or symbolically, under any title, within the university institution. It allows each individual to exercise their rights, duties, and obligations with full responsibility, while respecting academic freedoms as outlined in the constitution and university privileges defined in the guidance law and the applicable regulations.

As a reference framework, the internal regulations aim to gather in a single document the basic and necessary rules for the proper management of the university institution, regardless of its status or condition. Thus, it undoubtedly contributes to improving the implementation of the concept of quality assurance as defined in the national reference enacted in 2015, in line with global standards. Its impact is fully reflected in two main principles: academic freedoms and university privileges (protecting the university as a space for expression) according to the University Code of Ethics and Conduct issued in March 2021.

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