The University’s Vision and Mission


To provide an exceptional and distinguished educational, research, and training service that meets the requirements of comprehensive quality and institutional and academic accreditation standards, while ensuring governance of education. This contributes to the development of scientific and technological research, the acquisition, development, dissemination, and transfer of knowledge, guaranteeing service to and development of society. Through scientific research in particular and knowledge in general, the university serves as a beacon for society, its driving force, and its motivation to advance and elevate it to the highest levels of knowledge and ethics.

Blida 2 University, Ali Lounici, is committed to promoting the following values:

  • Social Interaction
  • Pride in Belonging
  • Solidarity and Openness
  • Social Justice
  • Transparency
  • Good Governance


The vision of Blida 2 University, Ali Lounici, is derived from the provisions of Law No. 05-99, dated April 4, 1999, which includes the guiding law for scientific research, as amended and supplemented. Therefore, the university’s vision is to excel in the quality and governance of higher education, ensuring the development of free, creative, and critical scientific progress. Hence, the key pillars of the university’s vision are based on the following:

  • The strategic advantage of the university
  • The strategic role of the university
  • The strategic location of the university

To learn more about the development stages of Blida 2 University, click here.

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